Image: Willian Justen de Vasconcellos Unsplash If you’re new to coaching you may be wondering what it’s all about. Maybe it sounds interesting and helpful, but a bit vague. If you're thinking about engaging a coach, here are some helpful things to consider. For coaching to be productive, it’s important to be open to learning more about yourself and having reflective conversations. We aim to set aside self-judgment and bring curiosity to your experience. Through our conversations, we’re looking for your insights and uncovering your expertise about yourself. It may sound strange, but your answers are much more powerful and relevant to your life than my suggestions are (neuroscience backs this up). Working together, we can uncover the answers and actions that will help you move forward. One succinct explanation of coaching comes from Cameron Gott (my teacher and mentor) who describes it as “an experiential learning model.” At its heart, it’s a partnership between coach and client designed to bring about new awareness and perspective shifts for the client using an Awareness > Action > Learning process My role as a Certified Coach is to be your reflective thinking partner, to help you approach challenges with curiosity and accountability. When we repeatedly engage in the Awareness > Action > Learning process, what follows are “aha” moments that inspire you on the path to change. We all get stuck at times and working with a coach is a great way to move forward. To better understand how coaching differs from other supportive work like consulting or therapy, take a look at my post What Coaching Is and Is Not. Don't miss my newsletter, Find Your Focus. It’s full of useful and practical ways to bridge the gap between knowing and doing to help you reach your goals. Newsletter subscribers also receive special discounts and first access to upcoming group coaching offers and memberships.
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